


Name Strings



    $Date: 1996/09/09 01:00:00 $ $Revision: 1.2 $




    EXT_abgr affects the definition of this extension
    EXT_texture is required


    This extension defines 3-dimensional texture mapping.  In order to
    define a 3D texture image conveniently, this extension also defines the
    in-memory formats for 3D images, and adds pixel storage modes to support
    One important application of 3D textures is rendering volumes of image

New Procedures and Functions

    void TexImage3DEXT(enum target,
		       int level,
		       enum internalformat,
		       sizei width,
		       sizei height,
		       sizei depth,
		       int border,
		       enum format,
		       enum type,
		       const void* pixels);

New Tokens

    Accepted by the < pname > parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
    GetFloatv, and GetDoublev, and by the < pname > parameter of PixelStore:

	PACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT             0x806B
	PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT            0x806C
	UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT           0x806D

    Accepted by the < cap > parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, by
    the < pname > parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and
    GetDoublev, and by the < target > parameter of TexImage3DEXT, GetTexImage,
    GetTexLevelParameteriv, GetTexLevelParameterfv, GetTexParameteriv, and

	TEXTURE_3D_EXT                   0x806F

    Accepted by the < target > parameter of TexImage3DEXT,
    GetTexLevelParameteriv, and GetTexLevelParameterfv:

	PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT             0x8070

    Accepted by the < pname > parameter of GetTexLevelParameteriv and

	TEXTURE_DEPTH_EXT                0x807

    Accepted by the < pname > parameter of TexParameteriv, TexParameterfv,
    GetTexParameteriv, and GetTexParameterfv:

	TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT               0x807

    Accepted by the < pname > parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
    GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:

	MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT          0x807

Additions to Chapter 2 of the GL Specification (OpenGL Operation)


Additions to Chapter 3 of the GL Specification (Rasterization)

    The pixel storage modes are augmented to support 3D image formats in
    memory.  Table 3.1 is replaced with the table below:

	Parameter Name		Type		Initial Value	Valid Range
	--------------		----		-------------	-----------
	UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH	integer		0		[0, infinity]
	UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS	integer		0		[0, infinity]
	UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS	integer		0		[0, infinity]
	UNPACK_ALIGNMENT	integer		4		1, 2, 4, 8
	UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT	integer		0		[0, infinity]
	UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT	integer		0		[0, infinity]

	Table 3.1: PixelStore parameters pertaining to one or more of
	DrawPixels, TexImage1D, TexImage2D, and TexImage3DEXT.

    When TexImage3DEXT is called, the groups in memory are treated as being
    arranged in a sequence of adjacent rectangles.  Each rectangle is a
    2-dimensional image, whose size and organization are specified by the
    < width > and < height > parameters to TexImage3DEXT.  The values of
    UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH and UNPACK_ALIGNMENT control the row-to-row spacing in
    these images in exactly the manner described in the GL Specification for
    2-dimensional images.  If the value of UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT is not
    positive, then the number of rows in each 2-dimensional image is
    < height >; otherwise the number of rows is UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT.  Each
    2-dimensional image comprises an integral number of rows, and is exactly
    adjacent to its neighbor images.

    The mechanism for selecting a sub-volume of a 3-dimensional image builds
    on the mechanism for selecting a sub-rectangle of groups from a larger
    containing rectangle.  If UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT is positive, the
    pointer is advanced by UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT times the number of
    elements in one 2-dimensional image.  Then < depth > 2-dimensional images
    are processed, each having a subimage extracted in the manner described
    in the GL Specification for 2-dimensional images.

    The selected groups are processed as though they were part of a
    2-dimensional image.  When the final R, G, B, and A components have been
    computed for a group, they are assigned to components of a texel as
    described by Table 3.6 in the EXT_texture extension.  Counting from
    zero, each resulting Nth texel is assigned internal integer coordinates
    [i,j,k], where

	i = (N mod width) - border

	j = ((N div width) mod height) - border

	k = ((N div (width * height)) mod depth) - border

    and the div operator performs integer division with truncation.  Thus
    the last 2-dimensional image of the 3-dimensional image is indexed with
    the highest value of k.  The dimensions of the 3-dimensional texture
    image are < width > x < height > x < depth >.  Integer values that will
    represent the base-2 logarithm of these dimensions are n, m, and l,
    defined such that

	width = 2**n + (2 * border)

	height = 2**m + (2 * border)

	depth = 2**l + (2 * border)
    It is acceptable for an implementation to vary its allocation of
    internal component resolution based any TexImage3DEXT parameter, but the
    allocation must not be a function of any other factor, and cannot be
    changed once it is established.  In particular, allocations must be
    invariant -- the same allocation must be made each time a texture image
    is specified with the same parameter values.  Provision is made for an
    application to determine what component resolutions are available
    without having to fully specify the texture (see below).

    Texture Wrap Modes

    The additional token value TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT is accepted by
    TexParameteri, TexParameterv, TexParameteriv, and TexParameterfv,
    causing table 3.7 to be replaced with the table below:

	Name				Type		Legal Values
	----				----		------------
	TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR		4 floats	any 4 values in [0,1]

	Table 3.7: Texture parameters and their values.

    If TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT is set to REPEAT, then the GL ignores the integer
    part of R coordinates, using only the fractional part.  CLAMP causes R
    to be clamped to the range [0, 1].  The initial state is for

    Texture Minification

    Continuous coordinates s, t, u, and v are defined in figure 3.10 of the
    GL Specification.  To discuss 3-dimensional texture mapping, coordinates
    r and w are defined similarly.  Coordinate w is equal to -border at the
    "far" edge of the 3D image, understanding the image to be right-handed,
    with k values increasing toward the viewer.  It has value depth+border
    at the near edge of this volume.  Coordinate r has the same direction,
    but is normalized so that it is 0.0 and 1.0 at the "far" and "near"
    edges of a borderless volume.  If the volume has a border, the 0.0 and
    1.0 mappings of r continue to bound the core image.

    The formulas for p, used to determine the level of detail, are modified
    by including dw/dx and dw/dy terms in the obvious ways.  Equation 3.7
    sums (dw/dx)**2 into the left term, and (dw/dy)**2 into the right term.
    Equation 3.8 has ((dw/dx * Dx + dw/dy * Dy)**2 added to the two terms
    under the square root.  The requirements for the function f(x,y) become

	1.  f(x, y) is continuous and monotonically increasing in each of
	    |du/dx|, |du/dy|, |dv/dx|, |dv/dy|, |dw/dx|, and |dw/dy|.

	2.  Let

		m_u = max(|du/dx|, |du/dy|)
		m_v = max(|dv/dx|, |dv/dy|)
		m_w = max(|dw/dx|, |dw/dy|)


		max(m_u, m_v, m_w) <= f(x, y) <= m_u + m_v + m_w

    The i and j coordinates of the texel selected for NEAREST filtering are
    as defined in equations 3.9 and 3.10 of the GL Specification.
    Coordinate k is computed as

	     /  floor(w),	r < 
	k = (
	     \	2**l - 1,	r = 	
    A 2x2x2 cube of texels is selected for LINEAR filtering.  The i and j
    coordinates of these texels are computed as defined in the GL
    Specification for 2-dimensional images.  The k coordinates are
    computed as

	      /	floor(w - 1/2) mod 2**l,	TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT is REPEAT
	k0 = (
	      \	floor(w - 1/2),			TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT is CLAMP

	      /	(k0 + 1) mod 2**l,	TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT is REPEAT
	k1 = (
	      \	k0 + 1,			TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT is CLAMP


	A = frac(u - 1/2)
	B = frac(v - 1/2)
	C = frac(w - 1/2)

    where frac(x) denotes the fractional part of x.  Let T[i,j,k] be the
    texel at location [i,j,k] in the texture image.  Then the texture value,
    T, is found as

	T = (1-A) * (1-B) * (1-C) * T[i0,j0,k0] +
	      A   * (1-B) * (1-C) * T[i1,j0,k0] +
	    (1-A) *   B   * (1-C) * T[i0,j1,k0] +
	      A   *   B   * (1-C) * T[i1,j1,k0] +
	    (1-A) * (1-B) *   C   * T[i0,j0,k1] +
	      A   * (1-B) *   C   * T[i1,j0,k1] +
	    (1-A) *   B   *   C   * T[i0,j1,k1] +
	      A   *   B   *   C   * T[i1,j1,k1]

    for a 3-dimensional texture.  If any of the selected T[i,j,k] in the
    above equation refer to a border texel with unspecified value, then the
    border color given by the current setting of TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR is
    used instead of the unspecified value or values.


    LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, and LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR each require the use of
    a mipmap.  A 3-dimensional mipmap is an ordered set of arrays
    representing the same image; each array has a resolution lower than the
    previous one.  If the texture, excluding is border, has dimensions
    2**n x 2**m x 2**l, then there are exactly max(n, m, l) + 1 mipmap
    arrays.  Each subsequent array has dimensions

	size(i-1) x size(j-1) x size(k-1)
    where the dimensions of the previous array are

	size(i) x size(j) x size(k)


		   /  2**x + 2*border,   x > 0
	size(x) = (
		   \  1 + 2*border,      x <= 0

    Each array in a 3-dimensional mipmap is transmitted to the GL using
    TexImage3DEXT; the array being set is indicated with the < level >
    parameter.  The rules for completeness of the set of arrays are as
    described in the GL Specification, augmented in EXT_texture.  The rules
    for mipmap array selection, and for filtering of the two selected
    arrays, are also as described in the GL Specification.  Finally, the
    rules for texture magnification are also exactly as described in the
    GL Specification.

    Texture Application

    3-dimensional texture mapping is enabled and disabled using the generic
    Enable and Disable commands, with < cap > specified as TEXTURE_3D_EXT.  If
    either or both TEXTURE_1D or TEXTURE_2D are enabled at the same time as
    TEXTURE_3D_EXT, the 3-dimensional texture is used.

    Query support

    The proxy texture PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT can be used by applications to
    query an implementations maximum configurations just as it can be for
    1-dimensional and 2-dimensional textures.

    Alternate sets of partial per-level texture state are defined for
    the proxy texture PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT.  Specifically,
    maintained the the proxy texture.  When TexImage3DEXT is called
    with < target > set to PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT, these proxy state
    values are always respecified, even if the texture is too large to
    actually be used.  If the texture is too large, all of these state
    variables are set to zero.  If the texture could be accommodated
    by TexImage3DEXT called with < target > TEXTURE_3D_EXT, these values
    are set as though TEXTURE_3D_EXT were being defined.  All of these
    state value can be queried with GetTexLevelParameteriv with
    < target > set to PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT.  Calling TexImage3DEXT with
    < target > PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT has no effect on the actual
    3-dimensional texture or its state.

    There is no image associated with PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT.  Therefore
    PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT cannot be used as a texture, and its image must
    never be queried using GetTexImage.  (The error INVALID_ENUM results if
    this is attempted.)  Likewise, there is no nonlevel-related state
    associated with a proxy texture, so calling GetTexParameteriv or
    GetTexParameterfv with < target > PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT results in the
    error INVALID_ENUM.

Additions to Chapter 4 of the GL Specification (Per-Fragment Operations
and the Framebuffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the GL Specification (Special Functions)

    TexImage3DEXT with a proxy target is not included in display
    lists, but is instead executed immediately.

Additions to Chapter 6 of the GL Specification (State and State Requests)

    3-dimensional texture images are queried using GetTexImage with its
    < target > parameter set to TEXTURE_3D_EXT.  The assignment of texel
    component values to the initial R, G, B, and A components of a pixel
    group is described in EXT_texture.  Pixel transfer and pixel storage
    operations are applied as if the image were 2-dimensional, except that
    the additional pixel storage state values PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT and
    PACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT affect the storage of the image into memory.  The
    correspondence of texels to memory locations is as defined for
    TexImage3DEXT above, substituting PACK* state for UNPACK* state in all

Additions to the GLX Specification


GLX Protocol

    A new GL rendering command is added. This command contains pixel data;
    thus it is sent to the server either as part of a glXRender request
    or as part of a glXRenderLarge request:

            2           84+n+p          rendering command length
            2           4114            rendering command opcode
 	    1		BOOL		swap_bytes
	    1		BOOL		lsb_first
	    2 				unused
	    4		CARD32		row_length
	    4		CARD32		image_height
	    4		CARD32		image_depth
	    4		CARD32		skip_rows
	    4		CARD32		skip_images
	    4		CARD32		skip_volumes
	    4		CARD32		skip_pixels
	    4		CARD32		alignment
            4		ENUM		target
	    4		INT32		level
            4		ENUM		internalformat
            4		INT32		width
            4		INT32		height
            4		INT32		depth
            4		INT32		size4d
            4		INT32		border
            4		ENUM		format
            4		ENUM		type
	    4		CARD32		null_image
            n           LISTofBYTE      pixels
            p                           unused, p=pad(n)

            If the command is encoded in a glXRenderLarge request, the command 
            opcode and command length fields above are expanded to 4 bytes each:

	    4           88+n+p          rendering command length
            4           4114            rendering command opcode

	If < width > < 0, < height > < 0, < depth > < 0, < format > is invalid or < type > is 
        invalid, then the command is erroneous and n=0.

        < pixels > is arranged as a sequence of adjacent rectangles. Each rectangle is a
        2-dimensional image, whose structure is determined by the image height and the 
        parameters < swap_bytes >, < lsb_first >, < row_length >, < skip_rows >, < skip_pixels >, 
        < alignment >, < width >, < format >, and < type > given in the request. If < image_height >
        is not positive then the number of rows (i.e., the image height) is < height >;
        otherwise the number of rows is < image_height >.

        < skip_images > allows a sub-volume of the 3-dimensional image to be selected.
        If < skip_images > is positive, then the pointer is advanced by < skip_images > 
        times the number of elements in one 2-dimensional image. Then < depth > 
        2-dimensional images are read, each having a subimage extracted in the 
        manner described in Appendix A of the GLX Protocol Specification.

Dependencies on EXT_abgr

    If EXT_abgr is supported, the < format > parameter of TexImage3DEXT
    accepts ABGR_EXT.  Otherwise it does not.

Dependencies on EXT_texture

    EXT_texture is required.  All of the < components > tokens defined by
    EXT_texture are accepted by the < internalformat > parameter of
    TexImage3DEXT, with the same semantics that are defined by EXT_texture.

    The query and error extensions defined by EXT_texture are extended in
    this document.


    INVALID_ENUM is generated if < target > is not TEXTURE_3D_EXT or

    INVALID_ENUM is generated if the < target > parameter to
    GetTexParameteriv, GetTexParameterfv or GetTexImage is

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if < level > is less than zero

    INVALID_ENUM is generated if < internalformat > is not ALPHA, RGB, RGBA,
    LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, or one of the tokens defined by the
    EXT_texture extension.  (Values 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not accepted as
    internal formats by TexImage3DEXT).

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if < width >, < height >, or < depth > is less than
    zero, or cannot be represented as 2**k + 2*border for some integer k.

    INVALID_VALUE is generated if < border > is not 0 or 1.

    INVALID_ENUM is generated if < format > is not COLOR_INDEX, RED, GREEN,
    EXT_abgr is supported).

    INVALID_ENUM is generated if < type > is not UNSIGNED_BYTE, BYTE,

    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if TexImage3DEXT is called between
    execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.

    TEXTURE_TOO_LARGE_EXT is generated if the texture as specified cannot be
    accommodated by the implementation.  This error will not occur if none
    of < width >, < height >, or < depth > is greater than MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT.

New State

    Get Value				Get Command		Type			Initial Value		Attribute
    ---------				-----------		----			-------------		---------
    UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT		GetIntegerv		Z+			0			    -
    UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT		GetIntegerv		Z+			0			    -
    PACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT		GetIntegerv		Z+			0			    -
    PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT		GetIntegerv		Z+			0			    -
    TEXTURE_3D_EXT			IsEnabled		B			FALSE			texture/enable
    TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT			GetTexParameteriv	1 x Z2			REPEAT			texture
    TEXTURE_DEPTH_EXT			GetTexLevelParameteriv	1 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -

    (old state with new type information)

    TEXTURE				GetTexImage		3 x 1 x levels x I	null			    -
    TEXTURE_RED_SIZE_EXT		GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE_EXT		GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE_EXT		GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT		GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT		GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE_EXT		GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_WIDTH			GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_HEIGHT			GetTexLevelParameteriv	2 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_BORDER			GetTexLevelParameteriv	3 x 2 x levels x Z+	0			    -
    TEXTURE_COMPONENTS (1D and 2D)	GetTexLevelParameteriv	2 x 2 x levels x Z42	1			    -
    TEXTURE_COMPONENTS (3D)		GetTexLevelParameteriv	1 x 2 x levels x Z38	LUMINANCE		    -
    TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR		GetTexParameteriv	3 x C			0, 0, 0, 0		texture
    TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER			GetTexParameteriv	3 x Z6			NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR	texture
    TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER			GetTexParameteriv	3 x Z2			LINEAR			texture
    TEXTURE_WRAP_S			GetTexParameteriv	3 x Z2			REPEAT			texture
    TEXTURE_WRAP_T			GetTexParameteriv	2 x Z2			REPEAT			texture

New Implementation Dependent State

    Get Value				Get Command		Type		Minimum Value
    ---------				-----------		----		-------------
    MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT		GetIntegerv		Z+		16